I was talking about yesterday's post with DC last night. He said he thought it too telegraphic; I had explained much more of it to him and he thought that I should maybe spell it out more clearly. I thought it fairly clear but yes the reader would need to work at it a bit.
I suppose part of the reason for not spelling it out is that in the writing I have got the ideas clear(ish) in my own head but want to leave some open space so as not to be too definitive, too certain. Some of the reason is to leave some interest and some of the reason is just the volume of work involved in explaining it all out. I only type with one or two fingers on each hand and spelling is still difficult for me.
But actually writing this I just recall how I have always had the same problem; once I've got the bones of it in place fleshing out the details can be a chore. Or to be more precise; explaining out the details. The working through the details I am ok with (even good at) it's the putting it on paper. I recall school reports; David must try harder with written presentation and spelling. Thank goodness for computers and spell checker. I enjoy blogging but if I had to do it by keeping a hand written journal I'd not be too keen. Then again since I accepted my scrawl years ago it would not be as painful as when I felt I had to try to have good hand writing.
Ideas come during the writing too. So being a bit telegraphic sort of fits with the way the post spins out.
Comments appreciated.
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