Wednesday, 23 January 2013

UN Trade Report 2012

Further to my post of the 20th I followed some of the links in George Monbiot's article, specifically this one to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report 2012. The summery and conclusions sections speak for themselves (even if the body of the report is a bit financially technical). Why has this not featured VERY CLEARLY in the news? As Monbiot says this report 'should have been an obituary for the neoliberal model developed by Hayek and Friedman and their disciples. It shows unequivocally that their policies have created the opposite outcomes to those they predicted.' Given the economic difficulties we are now facing it will be even more difficult to envision an economic system not based on continued growth and able to deliver true prosperity for all. Yet our so called leaders can't even seem to free themselves from the neoliberal model yet alone consider stable, sustainable models not based on continued growth. The world so very much needs true visionaries, elders, statesmen and stateswomen. I wonder if they will come forth.

Considering my own position on all this I ask myself 'is this so David or are you caught up in your own prejudices?' My feeling is that I've always mistrusted this whole neoliberal movement and that I've been right to doubt it. I wonder what place doubt in the minds of our politicians? There doesn't seem much evidence of the kind of doubt spoken of in spiritual practice.

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